Psalm 4 – A Prayer For Syria’ Children

My Heavenly Father Yahweh
You Lord have set apart the godly for Yourself.
You Lord will answer when I call on You to pray
for the protection of Syria’ children.
I will not sin by letting my anger control me.
I will think about my anger overnight and remain silent, because peace and joy come from You.
I will offer you sacrifices in the right spirit, and trust in you my God,
that you will have compassion on the children of Syria.
Please let your face smile on them Lord.
It is You that gives the destitute greater joy
than those who have abundant harvests of grain and new wine.
In peace Lord with your blessing, the children of Syria
will lie down and sleep in safety.
For you alone O Lord will keep them safe.
In Yeshua’ name I pray, Amen.