Leviticus 26 ~ Promise of Blessing and Retribution

My Heavenly Father,
I will not make idols for myself, or a carved image or a sacred pillar and I will not setup an engraved stone to bow down to it, for you are the Lord my God.
I will keep the Sabbath and honor your sanctuary, for you are my Lord.
I will walk in your statutes and keep your commandments and apply them to every aspect of my life, so that you
will bless me and my home will produce much fruit and I will always have plenty and my family will live in safety
so that we will never know lack or fear.
You Lord God will chase away all of my enemies and they will fall at my feet before me. Because you look on me with favor,
make me fruitful, multiply me and confirm Your covenant with me.
I will eat the old harvest and clear out the old because of the new.
You will set your tabernacle with me and my soul will honor and adore you.
You will walk with me and be my God and I will be your people.
You Lord God have broken the curse of the yoke on my life and have made me walk uprightly.
As for me and my home, we will glorify and honor you all the days of our life.
Hallelujah and Amen!