Isaiah 12

Yesha’Yahu 12
On that day you will say:
“I thank you, Adonai,
because, although you were angry at me,
your anger is now turned away;
and you are comforting me.
“See! God is my salvation.
I am confident and unafraid;
for Yah Adonai is my strength and my song,
and he has become my salvation!”
Then you will joyfully draw water
from the springs of salvation.
On that day you will say,
“Give thanks to Adonai! Call on his name!
Make his deeds known among the peoples,
declare how exalted is his name.
Sing to Adonai, for he has triumphed —
this is being made known throughout the earth.
Shout and sing for joy,
you who live in Tziyon;
for the Holy One of Isra’el
is with you in his greatness!”
Complete Jewish Bible
The sages see this expression as thematically linked to the messianic understanding of Chapter 11; through the coming of the Messiah, deliverance will also come and the people of God will return to Tziyon (Zion). Bible Footnotes – Complete Jewish Bible – David H Stern and Rabbi Barry A. Rubin
Water is addressed in scripture nearly one thousand times. Aside from being an essential of life, one cannot go without water very long, it is an ancient symbol of refreshing, irrigation, and growth. In Bible times and regions, water could be scarce and so scripture took opportunity to enforce the necessity of man living only by the word of God and used water as its symbolism. It is indisputable that water equates to life being essential for drinking, cooking, even cleaning(John 3:5; Ephesians 5:26). Symbolically water is the word of the Lord, a stream or issue of spirituality, a body or collection of knowledge, teaching, spiritual or religious doctrine. In the latter context, that of teaching or spiritual doctrine (Revelation 12:15), water is spewed out of the mouth of the dragon in order to flood the women he hated so with his uncleanness, that is with heretical doctrine that the woman preaches instead of the Lord’s gospel, It is recognized by being rigidly intellectual or mystical in nature. Water is equated to the life-giving power of redemption, and human spirits that take in Christ to become His wells of salvation (Isaiah 12:3) The Prophet’s Dictionary – Paula A Price Ph.D.