Ephesians 6:12

For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm. Complete Jewish Bible
This is a term used for hand to hand combat. Wrestling features trickery and deception, like Satan and his hosts when they attack. Coping with deceptive temptation requires truth and righteousness. The 4 designations describe the different strata and rankings of those demons and the evil supernatural empire in which they operate. Satan’s forces of darkness are highly structured for the most destructive purposes. Bible Footnotes
Yeshua, keeper of my heart, protect me and protect my family! With truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace and my shield of faith I will shield all of us from the evil darts of the wicked one. Wearing my helmet of salvation and wielding the sword of the Spirit which is your word my God, I will pray in the Holy Spirit and You will blanket us with protection. In your powerful name I pray, Amen.